
Use those old Palm OS apps on your Symbian device with StyleTap

My mobile device history dates back to 1997 with my US Robotics Pilot 1000 and I still have a few Palm OS applications that I enjoy using. If you have Palm OS applications that you still need to run and now have moved onto S60, UIQ, or Windows Mobile you can use StyleTap and still use most Palm applications. The Symbian (S60 and UIQ) version has been in closed beta for some time and according to the Symbian Guru the S60 version was just made available for trial and purchase (US$49.95).
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

My mobile device history dates back to 1997 with my US Robotics Pilot 1000 and I still have a few Palm OS applications that I enjoy using. If you have Palm OS applications that you still need to run and now have moved onto S60, UIQ, or Windows Mobile you can use StyleTap and still use most Palm applications. The Symbian (S60 and UIQ) version has been in closed beta for some time and according to the Symbian Guru the S60 version was just made available for trial and purchase (US$49.95). I plan to try it out on some Nokia S60 devices I have and post a full review in a bit.

I am testing a new Nokia 5800 device and see that the S60 version even supports S60 5th Edition devices. As stated in the press release a major new feature in the Symbian version is the display scaling enhancement to run apps in 320x320 mode to make apps look better on Symbian than even on Palm devices. You can get a 14-day trial version to test out with your favorite Palm apps.

On the StyleTap blog I also read they are still working on an iPhone version, but the Apple policy may be holding them back from full release. It will be interesting to see if StyleTap is the group that gets Palm OS applications running on the upcoming Palm Pre.

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