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Vote for your favorite communications/VoIP app

Webware, which is one of our sister CNET sites, is getting ready to close off voting for the best 100 websites and apps.Voting closes at 9 a.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Webware, which is one of our sister CNET sites, is getting ready to close off voting for the best 100 websites and apps.

Voting closes at 9 a.m. PT- just a few hours from the time this post is going up.

There's a section for Communications- which includes VoIP.

Here's a list of the candidates, along with WebWare's descriptions and voting links:


One of the oldest Internet chat protocols, not to mention a name that's become synonymous with chatting. http://www.aim.com

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Access your voice mail through your e-mail service. http://www.callwave.com

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Dodgeball is a mobile communication tool that lets you send out SMS messages to individuals or groups with a dash of social networking. http://www.dodgeball.com

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Earth Class Mail

Formerly Remote Control Mail, Earth Class mail takes your physical mail and scans it, making it available to read online from anywhere, using e-mail. http://www.remotecontrolmail.com

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Eyejot is a video-messaging service that allows you to send and receive video messages as you would e-mail. http://eyejot.com

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FON is a Wi-Fi sharing network where users with Wi-Fi join forces to share their wireless connections with other FON users. http://www.fon.com/en

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Foonz is a group calling platform for making conference calls without dealing with carrier restrictions. http://foonz.com

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Google's e-mail service. Gmail was one of the first sites to offer users 1GB of storage and now offers nearly triple that amount. http://www.gmail.com

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Google Talk

Google's crack at instant messaging. Google Talk began as a software program and has now been integrated into Gmail and iGoogle, too. http://www.google.com/talk

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Grandcentral acts as online voice mail. Users can create customized mailboxes and call filters, as well as manage all their voice mail online. http://grandcentral.com

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Jabber is both a chat client protocol and a standalone application for talking to others. It's used in Google Talk and other chat services. http://www.jabber.com

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Jaiku is a microblogging and publishing tool. Users can publish small bits of content from their mobile phone or Web browser, as well as keep track of other users by subscribing to each other's feeds. http://jaiku.com

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Jangl lets you put a voice mail inbox on blogs, Web sites, and social-networking profiles. http://jangl.com

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Jaxtr connects your phone to social networks to let people call you while still retaining your anonymity. http://www.jaxtr.com

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Meebo is a zero-footprint chat client that works with nearly all the various chat protocols. It looks and feels like a desktop chat application, too. http://www.meebo.com

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Pidgin is an open-source, multiprotocol chat client. It's constantly being worked on by a developer community. http://www.pidgin.im

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Skype is a VoIP program that lets people chat together for free or at a very low price over the Internet. In recent years, Skype has moved off the computer and onto Skype-enabled mobile handsets. http://skype.com

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Trillian is a multiprotocol chat client developed by Cerulean Studios. It was one of the first to enable third-party plug-ins that let you expand the functionality of the program beyond what you get out of the box. http://ceruleanstudios.com/learn

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Twitter is a nano-blogging and publishing tool that lets users publish small (140-character) messages. It's also part social network by letting its users create friendships with one another. http://www.twitter.com

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Whisher lets you share your Wi-Fi connection, and in return, access other Whishers' Wi-Fi when you're on the move. http://whisher.com/en/index.php

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Windows Live Hotmail

Formerly known as Hotmail, Windows Live Hotmail is Microsoft's free Web mail service. http://mail.live.com

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Windows Live Messenger

Windows Live Messenger is Microsoft's chat program and protocol. Live Messenger was once relegated to PCs but can now be found on cell phones and even video game consoles. http://messenger.live.com

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Yahoo Mail

Yahoo Mail is a free, Web-based e-mail client that emulates the feel of a desktop application with drag-and-drop folders and integrated Yahoo Messenger. http://mail.yahoo.com

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Yahoo Messenger

Yahoo Messenger is a popular chat protocol that's both a standalone application and more recently has become Web-based with its integration into Yahoo Mail. http://messenger.yahoo.com

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Zimbra provides a free on and offline e-mail, notebook, and calendar suite that's open source. You can also sync it up to your mobile devices. http://www.zimbra.com/

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