
Whoa there! Let's not read too much into the leaked Best Buy "leaked" memo

Earlier today Engadget published a "leaked" Best Buy memo outlining the company's Window 7 upgrade plans. Within moment the blogosphere erupted into a frenzy of crazy speculation.
Written by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Senior Contributing Editor

Earlier today Engadget published a "leaked" Best Buy memo outlining the company's Window 7 upgrade plans. Within moment the blogosphere erupted into a frenzy of crazy speculation.

Let's take a few deep breaths and calm down for a moment.

... *breathe in* ... *breathe out* ... *breathe in* ... *breathe out* ...

OK, now that we have a clear head, let's consider the possibilities:

  • The memo is a fake. Well, it could be ...
  • That the time limited deal is real. After all, we saw the same sort of deal with Vista. After the time limited offer Microsoft lit the rockets underneath the price and shot it back into the stratosphere.
  • That the time limited deal is real, and that after the time limited offer expires Microsoft does indeed cut the price of Windows 7 upgrades.

Given the fact that Microsoft's profits for the last quarter fell through the floor, I'm not sure how well stockholders would take to any dramatic price cuts. Long term price cuts in the region of 50% could be seen as reckless.


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