
Women in IT face 63-year wait to equal pay

The IT sector showing the largest pay gap of any industry, according to research, and the closing of the gender pay gap is a long way off if pay increases continue at current rates
Written by Tim Ferguson, Contributor

The days of women in IT enjoying the same earning power as men still remain some way off, with female workers continuing to earn thousands less than their male colleagues every year.

According to research published today by the Chartered Institute of Management (CMI), the IT sector has the largest pay gap of any industry.

The difference between the typical annual salary of men and women working in the IT industry currently stands at £17,736, with women working in IT earning an average of £32,751 compared to £50,487 for men, the research found.

Women in IT are however seeing a better rate of pay increase than their male counterparts, with average salaries growing by 2.1 per cent compared to 1.4 per cent for men in the past 12 months. However, at these rates, it will take 63 years for women to catch up.

For more on this ZDNet UK-selected story, see Women in IT face largest gender pay gap of any industry on silicon.com.

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