
iPhone 4.0 to include background apps?

Sources tell AppleInsider that Apple has developed a "full-on solution" to multitasking on the iPhone OS and that the feature will be released as iPhone 4.0.
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor

Sources tell AppleInsider that Apple has developed a "full-on solution" to multitasking on the iPhone OS and that the feature will be released as iPhone 4.0.

People with a proven track record in predicting Apple's technological advances tell AppleInsider that the Cupertino-based company has developed a "full-on solution" to multitasking on the iPhone OS but offered no specifics on how the technology would optimize resource conservation and battery life -- two of the most critical issues surrounding the matter, alongside security.

Details are slim, but multi-tasking (a.k.a. background) apps are allowed to run after the home button is pressed (which currently quits most apps). Only a limited number of (mostly Apple) apps allowed to run in the background, including  Calendar, Clock Mail, iPod, Messages, Nike+, Phone and Voice Recorder.

Background apps would solve one of my main issues that I have with the iPhone, specifically, not being able to listen to apps like Pandora or MLB while doing other iPhone tasks. It would also keep up with Android, which has had background apps forever.

What's your take? Are background apps critical?

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