
Check out Enterprise Alley

Programming note: We've launched a new blog called Enterprise Alley that's designed to give a forum to startups that are targeting the businesses with new and novel technology and approaches.The blog, manned by Dennis Howlett, is designed to give some play to startups that are targeting the enterprise.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

Programming note: We've launched a new blog called Enterprise Alley that's designed to give a forum to startups that are targeting the businesses with new and novel technology and approaches.

The blog, manned by Dennis Howlett, is designed to give some play to startups that are targeting the enterprise. These smaller companies are worth watching for a few reasons:

  • They are on the cutting edge of business technology;
  • They may yield some new uses that can improve your ROI;
  • They may wind up in your existing applications as the bigger fish gobble up some of these smaller players.

Here's what Dennis had to say in his introduction:

While the technology landscape seems dominated by the mega vendors churning out ERP with the occasional splash of saas/on-demand, in the background there is a plenty of innovation and experimentation.

This blog will showcase the new breed of startup style vendors who are either solving old problems in a fresh way or are giving us a glimpse into the future of enterprise applications.

We'll be looking to expand the blog with a few more writers as we tackle new topics and corral startup pitches.

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