
One year anniversary of Digital Markets blog

Today marks Donna Bogatin's first anniversary blogging for ZDNet. With more than 1300 posts on her Digital Markets blog, she has covered the waterfront  on emerging trends and the people at the heart of the business Internet, and has become the thorn in Google's side with her continuous exploration of what the Web's most powerful company is up to in all its various business facets.
Written by Dan Farber, Inactive
Today marks Donna Bogatin's first anniversary blogging for ZDNet. With more than 1300 posts on her Digital Markets blog, she has covered the waterfront  on emerging trends and the people at the heart of the business Internet, and has become the thorn in Google's side with her continuous exploration of what the Web's most powerful company is up to in all its various business facets. In her first post, Donna wrote:

As mobility and personalization become the norm, consumers will become local markets of one and companies will use technology and telecommunications to create and deliver product to potentially billions of individual, digital micro-markets, on demand. All sectors are being transformed by the increasingly consumer involved, on-demand digital world: from entertainment to transportation and from medicine to fashion. Digital opportunities also carry digital risks, however, and successful initiatives will uphold the integrity of both data security and intellectual property.

Over the last year the digital markets scenario she documents in her blog has played out, leading to an increasingly digital economy governed at this point by Google's search and advertising presence and a reshaping of industries, influenced by the Internet and related technologies. Congratulations Donna. Here are some of her most recent posts:
Google YouTube: Viral video success formula?
Sling Media to Old Media: Can't we all just get along?
YouTube: Is NBC copyright lawsuit near?

Google blasts Web bots: PC big culprit in drive by downloads

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