
FOXNews apparent victim of Twitter phishing attack

By now everyone knows about the phishing scam that started attacking Twitter over the weekend. And most everyone else knows that a majority of those accounts have been harvested and are using DMs to push people to potential drive-by-malware sites.
Written by Jennifer Leggio, Contributor

By now everyone knows about the phishing scam that started attacking Twitter over the weekend. And most everyone else knows that a majority of those accounts have been harvested and are using DMs to push people to potential drive-by-malware sites.

It appears that the attackers, however, had different plans for the FOXNews (@foxnews) Twitter feed, which now sports a very un-Fox-like message, "Bill O Riley is gay" (stet) --clearly meaning the controversial Bill O'Reilly. Granted, it could be an opportunist taking advantage of the air cover the real attackers or giving, or even a crafty intern, but it's yet another proof point that Twitter is mainstream and that companies are not immune to the attacks being launched onto general users.

(Click to enlarge)

Update 10:38 a.m. 1/5/2009: Looks like both Rick Sanchez of CNN and Britney Spears got hit, too. Thanks to Ike Pigott for the tip.

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