
Happy birthday, Social Business: A look back

This week marks the one year since the editors at ZDNet took a chance on the "Social Business" blog. While I had a name change along the way, the content has been pretty consistent.
Written by Jennifer Leggio, Contributor

This week marks the one year since the editors at ZDNet took a chance on the "Social Business" blog. While I had a name change along the way, the content has been pretty consistent. And, if you ask me, I've come into my own. I like the voice this blog has and I'm pretty content with the way that it's gone.

Happy birthday, baby.

I thought I would recap my 12 favorite posts -- one for each month.

June Q&A with Twitter's Biz Stone

July Firefox 3 and community - How Mozilla used social networking to set a world record

August Facebook's (futile) malware exorcism: can social networks fight back?

September Pandora opens up: Q&A with Tim Westergren

October Social media consultants: Snake oil or value add?

November Mumbai attack demonstrates (good and bad) maturation point of social media

December Twitter popularity does not equal business acumen

January Naivete: Web 2.0's biggest security threat

February Research report: Is 'social PR' real? Which agencies get it?

March Q&A with Jeremiah Owyang: Social business economy

April Is it time for a Chief Social Media Officer?

May Nine social media fails of 2009... thus far

Tell me what you think. Any favorites? Any failures. Please leave it in the comments.

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