
Study: Most parents allow texting during family meals

The latest Retrevo study shows that parents are surprisingly liberal when it comes to texting and social media...
Written by Tom Foremski, Contributor

The latest Retrevo.com's Gadgetology study highlighted some interesting findings about parents and their attitude towards social media and other aspects of our modern age:

- 29% of all parents don't allow texting during family meals. 36% of parents of teenagers don't allow texting during family meals.

- 30% of parents think 13 - 15 years old is the right age to get a social media page

- 36% of parents think 16 - 18 is the right age to get a social media page

- 26% of parents say over 18 is the right age to get a social media page

- 8% of parents are okay with kids under 12 having a social media page.

- Only 12% of parents ban social media as a form of punishment. 18% ban all internet usage. 47% talk with their kids as a form of discipline.

- 48% of parents on Facebook are "friends" with their kids. 52% are not.

Andrew Eisner, director of content at Retrevo adds, "It looks like more parents with teenage children are more likely to be friends with their kids, although many admit it can be awkward at times but they say they do learn a lot about their teenagers, which is probably why children are so hesitant to friend their parents to begin with."

The study questioned 1,000 people across gender, age, income and location.

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