
EHR certification less of a problem than feared

The Office of National Coordinator has a Web site up now listing dozens of products that have already been certified including at least 21 full EHR systems.
Written by Dana Blankenhorn, Inactive

Throughout the struggle over meaningful use, which will define who gets that sweet, sweet stimulus cash, one question has dogged policymakers more than any other.

How will we make certain gear is certified in time for industry to buy it, install it, and get meaningful use out of it to meet the 2011 deadline?

How will all those products squeeze through that tiny queue?

The answer is pretty fast.

The Office of National Coordinator under David Blumenthal (right, at this year's HIMSS show) has a Web site up now, listing dozens of products that have already been certified, including at least 21 full EHR systems.

Most of the certifications were done by the CCHIT, with four done by the Drummond Group.

Among the companies with complete EHRs that have already gone through the certification process are Epic Systems, NextGen, GE Healthcare, AllScripts and AthenaHealth.

If the product you have installed is not on the list it's likely you have nothing to worry about. Certification does take time.

Fortunately, it turns out, not much time.

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