
Did Verizon just pull a KIN with the Samsung Tab pricing?

The Samsung Tab will start shipping November 11th. Verizon is pricing it at $599, which could cause the death of the Tab long before it even gets out of the gate.
Written by Joel Evans, Contributor

Verizon Wireless is the first out of the gate with pricing and availability on the Samsung Galaxy Tab. According to the company's latest announcement, the Samsung Galaxy Tab will become available for purchase starting November 11th for $599. Users will also have the option of purchasing a data plan starting at $20 a month for 1 GB.

Unfortunately, it looks like Verizon may be doing to the Samsung Tab what it did to the KIN: pricing it wrong. The KIN was a phone designed to meet a specific need. It might have had a chance at survival (Microsoft pulled it less than two months after launch) had it been priced better, but instead of playing with different pricing schemes, it sat overpriced on Verizon's network, and then met its end. I fear that the Samsung Tab could suffer a similar fate. First off, it's going to cost $599. Second, for $20 a month you only get 1 GB of data. This wouldn't be so bad except that Verizon is touting its V CAST Music and VCAST Song ID, Slacker Radio, BLOCKBUSTER On Demand, and more. All of these services eat bandwidth, so unless you're sitting on WiFi, you'll be paying through the nose for the privilege of using the Samsung Tab the way it was designed to be used.

I really think that if priced right, the Samsung Tab has a shot at success. Thankfully, Verizon isn't the only carrier getting it, and Sprint has a tendency to price competitively. My guess is that Sprint and Samsung are going to come out swinging with the Samsung Tab, and with Verizon overpricing it, without subsidy, you can bet that Sprint is going to own this market pretty quick.

If you're still not sold on the Samsung Tab, check out the video of it in action below. I previously covered the video, but it's worth showing again, especially since the Samsung Tab is now less than a month away.

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