
beejive: multi-service IM for the iPhone

BeeJive has just released an alpha of JiveTalk for iPhone – a web-based mutli-network IM client that allows you to chat on AIM, GTalk/Jabber, MSN, and Yahoo simultaneously. It works much better than Meebo and uses an iChat style bubble display.
Written by Marc Orchant, Contributor
BeeJive for iPhone
BeeJive has just released an alpha of JiveTalk for iPhone – a web-based mutli-network IM client that allows you to chat on AIM, GTalk/Jabber, MSN, and Yahoo simultaneously. It works much better than Meebo and uses an iChat style bubble display. I tested connections on AIM, GTalk, and MSN and all worked without a hitch.

Point your iPhone to iphone.beejive.com . They seem to be able to detect twhether the connection request is coming from an iPhone as I was unable to get the service to load in Safari on the MacBook.

H/T to TUAW.

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