
Virtualization discussion with Oracle

I recently had a chance to chat with Oracle’s vice president of Linux engineering, Wim Coekaerts, and senior director of product marketing, Monica Kumar, about Oracles virtualization efforts and a bit about the philosophy behind the company's efforts. In summary, Oracle sees virtualization technology as just another tool organizations can use to increase the performance, reliability, scalability, agility and/or manageability of their IT infrastructure.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

I recently had a chance to chat with Oracle’s vice president of Linux engineering, Wim Coekaerts, and senior director of product marketing, Monica Kumar, about Oracles virtualization efforts and a bit about the philosophy behind the company's efforts. In summary, Oracle sees virtualization technology as just another tool organizations can use to increase the performance, reliability, scalability, agility and/or manageability of their IT infrastructure. Oracle would suggest that an organization's focus should be on efficiently and effectively getting their work accomplished rather than an intense focus on the tools that do that work.

What tools does Oracle have to address organizations' requirements?

If we use the Kusnetzky Group Model as a guide, Oracle offers a broad portfolio of server-focused tools. Here's how their virtualization product portfolio looks


Virtualization Category

Oracle Products

Access Virtualization


Application Virtualization

 Oracle Applicaiton Server

 Processing Virtualization

 Oracle VM, Real Applicaition Clusters

 Storage Virtualization  Oracle Cluster Filesystem for Linux

 Network Virtualization

 N/A  Management of Virtualized Resources

Many products to manage applications, databases, application servers, virtual servers and clusters

When Oracle's portfolio of system software, applicaiton development, and middleware are reviewed, it is clear that for the most part the company has implemented quite a number of virtualization technologies. These technologies were integrated into Oracle's products rather than being offered as separate products, however.

Oracles Goals for Virtualization

Oracle sees itself as part of the virtualization community with a strong focus on brining that technology into the enterprise datacenter in an easy to use, easy to deploy, easy to manage fashion. This is both a strength and a weakness. If an organization is largely an Oracle shop, Oracle's approach makes sense and allows the deployment of new technology in a very managable way. If an organization has a mixed environment or has little Oracle software, then a selection of individual virtualization technology products might be a better choice.

Is your organization using Oracle's approach? What tangible benefits has your organization realized through the use of Oracle's technology?

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