
Vyatta's pay-as-you-go network virtualization

Attacking the number two cost in data center operations with network virtualization .from Yvatta
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

Vyatta's CEO, Kelly Herrell, published a piece on his blog explaining how his company's software could really help service providers.  Although he published it on March 1st, I only had a chance to read it this morning.

What's interesting to me that Robert Muir, Consonus' Vice President of Western Operations and Corporate Treasurer mentioned something when he was presenting a cost of model of data center operations that caused me to consider a solution very much like that presented by the good Mr. Herrell!

The number two cost in Consonus' data center operations was communications. The number one cost, by the way, was staff.  Although it wasn't clear how much of communications costs could be attributed to communications gear, it is clear that a significant reduction in the cost of networking equipment would help Cosonus' bottom line.

It would be worth the time to read through Kelly's post and consider what benefits could be obtained by using inexpensive industry standard systems rather than expensive network routers.

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