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News to know: Leaked Blackberry OS; 4G networks; Clunkers updated; National Broadband; Psystar

Here are today's notable headlines. You can get News To Know via email alert and RSS daily.
Written by Sam Diaz, Inactive

Here are today's notable headlines. You can get News To Know via email alert and RSS daily. For continuous updates see BNET's around-the-Web tech coverage.

Zack Whittaker: Leaked upcoming BlackBerry OS screenshots reveal new features

Christopher Dawson: Will 4G make our networks irrelevant?

Harry Fuller: Cash for Clunkers--an update and a putdown

Richard Koman: Telecoms don't want broadband bucks with strings attached

Sam Diaz: Psystar wants your questions for Apple depositions. Seriously.

Michael Krigsman: Twitter is down...again

Richard Koman: Shock jock faces charges for threatening judges

Larry Dignan: Apple should name Cook to board

Brian Sommer: Who's the fairest HR product of them all

Andrew Nusca: Why I'm suspicious of the Facebook 'RockMelt' browser

Matthew Miller: 3 new apps appear on Palm Pre App Catalog, including Palm Desktop sync

Richard Koman: China explodes Green Dam

Harry Fuller: Electric cars and "MPG"

Heather Clancy: Most Americans support energy infrastructure overhaul

Paul Murphy: A day in the life

Jason Perlow: Frugal Friday: Steak! Apple rebellion, Zune HD, PC Building, Hyper9

Harry Fuller: A bit more money for the greentech ventures

Jason D. O'Grady: Making the tablet computer "classroom-ready"

Dana Blankenhorn: The Dixie Chicks of the health reform debate

Harry Fuller: Greentech may not escape the town hall screamers

Tom Foremski: Delete the hate - don't ban anonymity

Zack Whittaker: How do Generation Y really use their phones?

Andrew Mager: Find out how engaged you are in your community with Engage Rank

Richard Koman: Army embraces Wiki for field manuals

Matthew Miller: MobileTechRoundup show #180, T-Mobile Touch Pro2 thoughts

Video: Future cloud apps won't need humans

Larry Dignan: IBM launches integrated mainframe packages for payments, data warehousing and SOA

Video: 'Mainstream' meanings for the cloud

Podcast: Why ZDNet AU loves Linux desktops

Mary Jo Foley: Microsoft starts rolling out final Windows Server 2008 R2 bits

Adrian Kingsley-Hughes: Courts put DVD ripping on shaky ground

Dana Blankenhorn: Will mobile Linux distros hang separately?

Harry Fuller: 230 MPG. 367 MPG. Pick a number and market it! Doubts are voiced.

Heather Clancy: Cisco IT pro publishes techniques on "growing" a green data center new book on

Paul Murphy: A day in the life

Oliver Marks: Social Media Revolution?

Matthew Miller: Does the rumored HTC Leo really have a capacitive display?

Joe McKandrick: Gartner: SOA out of 'trough of disillusionment,' cloud on hype peak

Dana Gardner: HP partners with iTKO on LISA services testing suite for SOA, BPM

Andrew Nusca: Pre-alpha Google Chrome: Fastest Mac OS X browser by 34%

Jennifer Bergen: Gadget Gal's daily deals: Dell mini projector, Acer Aspire and HP TouchSmart computers

Rachel King: Shopping for a UV Filter

Zack Whittaker: British PM at TED: "First generation to change the world for the better"

Brian Sommer: Stories that warrant watching: EDS / HP, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe

Dana Blankenhorn: Aspirin really is a drug

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