Home & Office

Software fees are up for re-negotiation

Software costs can spiral out of control if you're not very careful. From licences bought when the company was bigger or because it wasn't seen to be necessary in less stringent times to count exactly how many concurrent users the application would attract, to licences for software that's no longer used or has been superseded, it's an easy way to throw cash away.
Written by Manek Dubash, Contributor

Software costs can spiral out of control if you're not very careful. From licences bought when the company was bigger or because it wasn't seen to be necessary in less stringent times to count exactly how many concurrent users the application would attract, to licences for software that's no longer used or has been superseded, it's an easy way to throw cash away. No-one can afford that now.

That's why it's good news that SAP has listened to its customers and, following an attempt simply to hike prices, offered a licensing model with which user groups seem to be happy.

They've obviously followed a template similar to this one which includes the suggestion that you need to understand your software contract, and renegotiate terms where appropriate. The fact that SAP is not a tiny company producing bespoke software for a handful of customers but a global software leader, shows that the boot is firmly on the customer's foot in today's economic climate.

Rejoice, as one UK PM once infamously said...

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