
Red Hat competition to seek fresh ideas

The global Red Hat Challenge gives Asian graduate students a chance to develop creative solutions to business problems posed by the No. 1 Linux vendor.
Written by Aaron Tan, Contributor

Graduate students from Asia can pit their skills against their peers in a global business concept competition organized by Red Hat.

The reward: a grand prize of US$20,000. Winners will also be considered for Red Hat internships.

Commencing in March, the Red Hat Challenge will require graduate students to formulate a group concept plan in response to a business challenge question. Apart from providing Red Hat with solutions to the business issue, the global contest also lets the Linux maker tap new ideas to shape its business.

This contest is open to graduate students in the Asia-Pacific region, including Singapore, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea and Australia. All full-time and part-time students attending graduate business school or graduate design school in pursuit of a master's degree in business administration, or a similar degree are eligible to enter the contest.

The winning team will have the opportunity to send one member to attend Red Hat Summit in San Diego to collect the prize. The summit will be held on May 9 to 11.

Registration for the challenge is open until March 11. Teams of three to five students attending the same school will collaborate on the business challenge question released to registrants on March 12. Each team will have a two-week period from March 12 to 25 to develop an innovative concept plan for Red Hat.

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