
Skype Nomad Finished - Did Anyone Notice?

Apparently, the "Skype Nomad" has completed her around-the-world trip. Did anyone notice?
Written by J.A. Watson, Contributor

Apparently, the "Skype Nomad" has completed her around-the-world trip. Did anyone notice? Does anyone know anything about Skype now that they didn't know before? I doubt it very seriously.

It might have been interesting to know which of her Skype devices worked best, or worst; where she had connectivity and where she didn't; when she did have connectivity, was she able to do video, or only audio, or only text? When something didn't work, was she able to figure out why, or did she even try? If she tried, was she able to get any kind of response from Skype "customer support", or was she left hanging for days, like the other Skype users?

Like so much about Skype, and in fact Skype itself, there was a fair amount of potential in this, but it was all wasted. Too bad.

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