Home & Office

VoIP regulation update

Good to see the nationals following up on our coverage of Ofcom's impending VoIP regulation (see here and here - why, it's a pleasure!).
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

Good to see the nationals following up on our coverage of Ofcom's impending VoIP regulation (see here and here - why, it's a pleasure!).

Keith over at Telebusillis has also been on the case - he's of the opinion that the industry can cope fine unregulated (not sure of that myself) but hilariously reminds us that a couple of the VoIP "deficiencies" that we should supposedly be warned about are already issues with or without VoIP. Such as power - Ofcom wants us to know that we wouldn't be able to use internet telephony in a power cut (no kidding), but the same situation already applies to anyone who uses a cordless phone.

So let's see. I don't reckon Keith's entirely correct in saying consumers don't need to be told this stuff, but I can understand why some people think Ofcom might be about to overstep the mark. Maybe Skype will soon have to carry warning pop-ups in the UK. Joy.

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