
A faster Chrome for Windows but still nothing for the Mac

Google today released a beta upgrade to its Chrome browser for Windows users. a version that's 30 percent faster than the previous version, filled with a handful of new features and other blah blah blah stuff I really don't care about.
Written by Sam Diaz, Inactive

Google today released a beta upgrade to its Chrome browser for Windows users. a version that's 30 percent faster than the previous version, filled with a handful of new features and other blah blah blah stuff I really don't care about.

You see, when Google invited the Tech press corps to the Googleplex last year to introduce the Chrome browser, it was very quick to point out that a Mac version was coming soon. In fact, company co-founder Sergey Brin - a fellow Mac user - jumped on stage to say that he too was very anxious for a Mac version and that he would be down in the labs bugging the Chrome team about it regularly.

Also see: Hey Sergey: Where's my Mac version of Chrome?

Apparently, he's had other things to take care of since the company launched Chrome for Windows not quite a year ago.  As of today, Mac users are still using Firefox (which isn't bad) and Safari (which has gotten better).  But, still no Chrome.

In fact, the official Google blog post that highlights all of the new speed benchmarks and performance improvements doesn't even make mention of a Mac version. It's like we Mac users don't even exist.

Also see: Google Chrome for Mac: Still not ready

So, if you want to know about how great the new beta version of Chrome for Windows is, here's a link to Google's post so you can read from them on your own.

Like the bad sport little kid on the playground, I think I'll fold my arms, turn my back and protest by boycotting coverage of any new Chrome news until the company puts a "for Mac" in the press release/blog post headline.

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