
Accessible HTML tables explained

Bring ’em on…Meanwhile, back at The Ministry, I was given the task of constructing a monster department hierarchy table. In the past, I have created fairly complex accessible HTML tables (for uSwitch.
Written by Jake Rayson Rayson, Contributor

Bring ’em on…

Meanwhile, back at The Ministry, I was given the task of constructing a monster department hierarchy table. In the past, I have created fairly complex accessible HTML tables (for uSwitch.com amongst others). However, I foolishly filed my notes on a Buffalo NAS box that has somehow conspired to hide/lose/destroy all recent additions.

So, imagine my delight at finding an in-depth and clearly explained article on accessible HTML tables by the most excellent Roger Johansson. I found the most complex part was working with id and headers attributes, so it is a treat to have such a well written explanation. There’s even further reading for more complex tables at the end of the article. Thank you, Roger :)

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