
Another BlackBerry Curve Pix Here

This one is in an ad posted on MiBlackBerry, a Spanish site about you-know-what.Also appears on MenteSDigitales, which is Spanish for "Digital Minds.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

This one is in an ad posted on MiBlackBerry, a Spanish site about you-know-what.

Also appears on MenteSDigitales, which is Spanish for "Digital Minds." 

Click that link and you'll go to a post with a writeup in Spanish.

Cue-ing up Babelfish right now.


Hello! After some time without activity (problems with RIM - Blackberry)  we are back! I have made a snapshot of an advertisement that Test&Vote sent me (Test&Vote is a poll network) wich showed that Blackberry 8300 is named now BlackBerry Curve!! 

Formal announcement in U.S. next week at Wireless Enterprise Symposium. Due out later this month. 

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