
"Duh" alert- main 2006 CES page has "2005 CES" page title

 I've just returned from the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show. Whew.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

I've just returned from the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show. Whew.

In the process of looking back at CES thru the ol' rear-view, I went to the CES site.

Guess what I found.  The CES' page title for the main 2006 International CES info page reads "2005 International CES."

The inside pages show the correct title,but not the main page. 

Seems to be a coding oversight. Here's the code the CES Webtechs forgot to change:


In the grand scheme of things I don't think this amounts to a hill of beans- but still, I have to ask:

Am I the first one to notice?

Am I the only one to notice?


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