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Forgot your phone? Remember this formula...

I'm not in the habit of cutting and pasting press releases, but this one is so spectacularly, toe-curlingly full of faeces that it must be read in its entirety.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

I'm not in the habit of cutting and pasting press releases, but this one is so spectacularly, toe-curlingly full of faeces that it must be read in its entirety. Names have been removed to protect those who should really know better:


• Mobile phone ranks over medication / ipods as a top daily essential • New memory technique revealed so that you need never forget your mobile again

Whilst we're all familiar with the age old problem of forgetting our keys or wallet, new research out today from XXXX shows that the mobile phone is now firmly established as a 21st century morning must-have tool.

87 per cent of UK residents say that their keys, wallet and mobile phone top the list of items they can't leave home without, and that they rank them above other items such as make-up, medication and ipods.

This latest study confirms the findings of an earlier BBC study* that shows the 1980s stalwart of the FiloFax is nowhere to be seen in the handbag or back pocket of 2009, and the 1950s must-haves of cigarettes and ration books are firmly rooted in the past.

And forgetting our mobile phones is causing a national headache. In fact, a report by XXXX showed that over half of UK mobile phone users could be suffering from 'nomophobia' – the fear of having no mobile phone*.

Experts from the XXXX have teamed up with top memory expert Dr ZZZZ, from the University of Leeds to create a brand new method for people to use so that they need never their mobile again – the STAR technique.

The STAR technique (Store, Train and Retrieve) is designed to help people remember their mobile phone when leaving home and is based on the following mathematical formula*:

STAR = R [S*(5xT)]

S = store; T = train; R = retrieve

Dr ZZZZ explains the science behind the formula: "This formula is a mathematical way of demonstrating how we can combine the three basic long-term memory principles of Store, Train and Retrieve in appropriate proportions.

"Whilst it may look very complicated, in practice the STAR technique is actually a very simple way of remembering your mobile and is easy to implement into your everyday life:

• STORE: The first step in remembering your phone is to make a conscious decision to store it in a regular place. Select somewhere that is memorable, safe and accessible – and repeat it back to your self. If it's a bit dull, spice it up by adding some images – so if you keep your phone on the mantelpiece over the fireplace, think of the two words 'phone' and 'fire' and visualize your phone on fire. This should help the place become more memorable.

• TRAIN: Practise storing your phone in the same place. So once you've put your phone down, keep reminding yourself where you put it – this will help train your brain and store the information in your long-term memory. Repeat silently to yourself whenever you pick up or put down your phone: "Phone on fireplace, phone on fireplace" and visualize the flaming phone (or whatever other image you use) to bring this to life. Do at least five times to make sure it's gone in!

• AND RETRIEVE: Once the phone is in a regular place and you have committed this to your long-term memory, you need use your surroundings and actions to retrieve the memory every time you go out. Memory is made up of associations – so think of something that will jog your memory – like tying a knot in your handkerchief. Perhaps say to yourself 'Keys, wallet and phone' and touch each of the items before you go out the front door, or try making up a rhyme or limerick – such as "Pick up my phone before I leave home".

With a bit of effort, anyone prone to forgetting their mobile phone can use this technique to improve their long-term memory and relieve the anxiety of nomophobia."

A complete guide to the STAR technique can be downloaded from XXXX.

Today's research showed that under-25s were shown to be the most dependent on their mobiles, with 55 per cent saying they feel frustrated when they do not have access to their mobile, compared to only one in three over-45s (33.5 per cent)

One in four (25 per cent) youngsters ranking their mobile phone as their top 'don't leave home without it' item, compared to only five per cent of over-45s.

XXXX said: "The mobile phone is now firmly established as a top handbag or back pocket essential for the modern man or woman. It's not just used for phone calls, but for storing music, pictures, diary appointments and even for telling the time.

"We know that people hate the feeling of leaving their mobile phone at home so we've worked with Dr ZZZZ to come up with a technique that helps people remember it when they walk out the front door."

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