
Hey, Steve Jobs, since the economy sux, why not a $699 MacBook?

Our own Tom Krazit notes a MacRumors posting using screenshots reportedly from Best Buy's inventory system to point to a $1,999 MacBook Pro arriving at Best Buy in mid-February.The airtightness of such a clue-hypothesis-conclusion chain is far from certain.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Our own Tom Krazit notes a MacRumors posting using screenshots reportedly from Best Buy's inventory system to point to a $1,999 MacBook Pro

arriving at Best Buy in mid-February.

The airtightness of such a clue-hypothesis-conclusion chain is far from certain. But that is not my point here.

My point is that in this stressed economy, Apple is showing their arrogance by concentrating almost fully on rolling out a string of even pricier and cooler MacBooks, and MacBook Pros.

News flash for Steve Jobs: not everyone- including lots of folks who would love a MacBook or MacBook Pro- has $2K to burn at this point. Some don't even have $1,500, or hell, even $1,000.

I'm not saying Apple needs to shift to down-market mode. Talking more here about expanding to that market.

I am wondering if Apple didn't squeeze 'til it gives, if they could manage to make a MacBook to sell for $599? OK, $699? OK, $799?

If Apple was able to offer a stripped-down MacBook or MacBook Pro for, say, $699, I am betting that you would see a whole new group of customers who frankly could not resist buying one.

Would you be one of those customers?

[poll id=191]

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