
Is Microsoft winning the FUD war in the board room?

One by one, free and open source software providers are signing agreements with "the dark side", the poster child for proprietary software, and (many say) the antithesis of open source: Microsoft. Why?
Written by Ed Burnette, Contributor
Novell. JBoss. XenSource. Zend. Samsung. Xandros. One by one, free and open source software providers are signing agreements with "the dark side", the poster child for proprietary software, and (many say) the antithesis of open source: Microsoft. Linux fans spew righteous indignation all over the blogosphere, and "poison pill" legalese is added to the most popular free software license to fight it, but the deals show no sign of slowing. Why do you think this is the case? At some point in the future, will Linux be available only from Microsoft and "approved" vendors?
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