
Microsoft Mix '09: Fewer sheep to be thrown, more business apps shown

At previous Mix events -- Microsoft's showcase for designer/developer tools -- Microsoft has played up the same kind of consumer-focused social-networking scenarios as its Web rivals. But this year's Mix looks a bit more business-focused (at least based on the session list).
Written by Mary Jo Foley, Senior Contributing Editor

If you're tired of Web 2.0 conferences where "Throw a Sheep" apps reign supreme, Microsoft's Mix '09 might be a breath of fresh air.

At previous Mix events -- Microsoft's showcase for designer/developer tools -- Microsoft has played up the same kind of consumer-focused social-networking scenarios as its Web rivals. But this year's Mix looks a bit more business-focused (at least based on the Mix '09 session list).

Microsoft execs are on tap to talk up more of what's coming in Silverlight 3, ASP.Net 4.0 and Expression Studio 3.0 at this week's Las Vegas confab. A new Azure cloud-computing Community Technology Preview (CTP) also may be on tap. And many company watchers are expecting Microsoft to announce on Thursday during the morning Mix keynote that Internet Explorer 8 (IE 8) is as done as it's going to be and will be released to the Web.

But business uses of Microsoft's Web-centric technologies are getting a surprising amount of attention at this year's Mix. These sessions caught my eye:

Microsoft Silverlight Is Ready for Business Come learn how to build a Silverlight business application today with the new UI features including DataGrid, DataForm, validation and navigation. Also see an example of how to connect to services using a LINQ enabled, Entity Framework-backed, data management solution. Experience Design Patterns for Business Applications with Microsoft Silverlight 3 Come hear how creating great user experiences for business applications can result in both improved productivity and significant support cost savings. Learn how to use proven user experience patterns in cost effective ways with Silverlight 3, including rich data display, data input and advanced data validation, and application navigation Building Amazing Business Centric Applications with Microsoft Silverlight 3 This will be a great Silverlight session, but we won't be able to release any details until after MIX09 Keynotes. Check this abstract after MIX09 Keynotes for a complete session description.

Building Data-Driven Applications with Microsoft Silverlight and Microsoft ASP.NET This will be a great Silverlight session, but we won't be able to release any details until after MIX09 Keynotes. Check this abstract after MIX09 Keynotes for a complete session description.

It also seems the Softies are ready to share more about how Live Mesh can do more than allow users to sync their photos across different devices. Mesh-enabling an existing Web app gives it a lot of new capabilities, as this Mix session hints:

Mesh-Enabled Web Applications Come learn how to extend your existing Web applications and get them to live and breathe within Live Mesh. See how Mesh-enabled Web applications can be accessed from anywhere through a Web browser as well as run locally (and offline) on a user's desktop. Also see how Web applications can take full advantage of value-add Mesh services such as a dedicated sandbox, online and offline synchronized storage, automatic application updates, identity, application catalogue, social computing, and more.

What are you hoping and/or expecting Microsoft to unveil this week at Mix?

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