
Outsourcing can triple desktop support costs

Outsourcing IT can more than triple the cost of desktop PC support for businesses, according to a new study.
Written by Andy McCue, Contributor

Outsourcing IT can more than triple the cost of desktop PC support for businesses, according to a new study.

Management consultancy Compass conducted a global desktop study over four years to the end of 2004, and found that outsourcing can result in hidden costs through the increasing amount of self-support end users are forced to undertake.

The study revealed self-support costs increase as more desktop support is outsourced, from £214 per user if 10 per cent of the desktop service is outsourced to £672 per user if 40 per cent of the service is outsourced.

Further knock-on effects of users trying to fix their own desktop problems are inconsistencies between standard configurations and possible problems down the line as a result of DIY fixes, which can add to the central desktop support effort and cost.

Andy Gallagher, head of consulting for Compass Management Consulting, said businesses should think twice before outsourcing first line support or the service desk function.

"The balance between central and self-support costs is influenced by the quality of the central service. Greater focus and investment in central support has the effect of reducing self-support costs whilst a lack of focus or a desire to reduce costs in central support typically serves to increase self-support costs," he said in a statement.

Silicon.com's Andy McCue reported from London.

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