
Reminder: Win 7 RC download ends August 20th

Just a reminder - If you still feel like downloading the Windows 7 Release Candidate then you need to get your skates on!
Written by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Senior Contributing Editor

Just a reminder - If you still feel like downloading the Windows 7 Release Candidate then you need to get your skates on!

The Windows 7 RC download window ends August 20th, so if you want to grab yourself a copy, you need to get going. There's no official confirmation as to the time that the plug will be pulled, but I've been told 8.00am PT.

Download link.

Note: The RC OS will expire on June 1, 2010. However, beginning on March 1, 2010 the OS will begin shutting down every two hours. You'll get two weeks before shutdowns begin. At this point you'll need to either upgrade to the final release, or go to another OS.

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