
'SOA is the only TLA (three letter acronym) you will ever need'

'SOA is the only thing Chuck Norris can't kill.'
Written by Joe McKendrick, Contributing Writer

"SOA is the only thing Chuck Norris can't kill."

Okay, if you thought SOA was the greatest thing since sliced bread, you haven't seen anything yet.

Here it is, all you need to know about SOA and then some, condensed and distilled on a single Web page. Dan Farber alert me to this very funny post, originally surfaced by Niel Robertson, an Enterprise Irregular.

Some snippets:

  • One person successfully described SOA completely, and immediately died.
  • Another person successfully described SOA completely, and was immediately outsourced.
  • Guns don't kill people, the SOA WS-* stack kills people.
  • Software architects don't use SOA. SOA uses software architects.
  • Not content to just best sliced bread, SOA is actually the best thing since beer, wine, coffee, ice cream, chocolate... oh, and sliced bread.
  • SOA knows what you did last summer, and is disappointed that it wasn't SOA.


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