
Universal Desktop Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 2006

MySpace as Freedom. As a pretty frequent user of MySpace, I've seen some ugly pages, but Josh is right, the reason it's so popular is because it gives users almost total freedom.
Written by Ryan Stewart, Contributor
  • MySpace as Freedom. As a pretty frequent user of MySpace, I've seen some ugly pages, but Josh is right, the reason it's so popular is because it gives users almost total freedom. This is one of the reasons Rich Internet Applications can be so successful in the social networking space. They don't restrict users at ALL. If well designed, an RIA social network can give users freedom in a way that MySpace can't. Wallop is a good example of this.
  • LiveSide has an interesting post about how Windows Live and Media Center are going to fit together. The UI is supposedly built using Windows Presentation Foundation. I really like the Microsoft strategy of a horizontal solution. They really do empower some great experiences across a wide range of devices and PCs. Adobe has this as well, so it will be interesting to see how the living room battle plays out. RIAs will feature prominently.
  • Dion Hincliffe has a great read about What Every Software Project Needs to Know About Ajax. While I don't agree with everything he says, he does a good job of outlining both the benefits and limitations of Ajax. He also makes a good case for looking at more robust Rich Internet Application solutions as your needs grow.

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