
What does 180solutions have in common with racism, comedy and the long tail?

Plenty apparently, except racism is never funny in my opinion. Security site CastleCops discovered the Amazing Racist website sponsored by Zango. The Amazing Racist is apparently a comedian of sorts and even goes around wearing a KKK outfit.
Written by Suzi Turner, Contributor

Plenty apparently, except racism is never funny in my opinion.  Security site CastleCops discovered the Amazing Racist website sponsored by Zango. The Amazing Racist is apparently a comedian of sorts and even goes around wearing a KKK outfit. The website theamazingracist.net says "The Amazing Racist has partnered with Zango to bring you the best amizing (yes, it's misspelled on the webpage) racist videos on the web.  Download Zango and enjoy FREE unlimited access to amizing racist videos." Screenshot here.

SunbeltBLOG has an extensive write up about it including a video of a visit to the Amazing Racist website made by Eric Howes. Paperghost at VitalSecurity calls it the Adware-Ku-Klux Slam

This is another example of the fine content brought to us by 180solutions. We've seen 180solutions installed from porn sites, from kiddie porn sites, at sites targeted to kids, CoolWebSearch sites and at a crack site along with a rootkit and spam zombie.

180solutions talks about the long tail and bringing long tail content to users.

Although 180solutions has come to realize that third-party distribution can be hard to police, we believe it is possible to properly balance who we do business with while providing monetization methods for the long-tail of web publishers and content developers.

Inevitably, those who are critical of the search marketing industry may claim that this certification program wrongly provides opportunity for legitimization for programs that don’t deserve it. In the world of long-tail content, no one other than the user has the right to judge if an application is of value or if it isn’t.

If this kind of content we've seen sponsored by 180solutions is representative of the long tail of the internet forgive me for wanting no part of it.

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