
End of the world, so let's believe in Zero Point Energy...

Well, there are lots of dire predictions about what global warming will do to us and the earth. So it follows that some scared folks are going to start believing in panaceas.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Well, there are lots of dire predictions about what global warming will do to us and the earth. So it follows that some scared folks are going to start believing in panaceas. Not unlike believers who got together to pray during the Black Death.

There's a new posting at one of the "free energy" sites I check occasionally. It talks about all the folks pursuing water as fuel, and actually getting more energy out than they put in. Through withdrawing "zero point energy."

Whoever edits the entry over at wikipedia clearly does not believe there's any science behind the attempts to withdraw zero point energy.

You know, I think that third glass of red wine draws out my zero point energy. Think I should patent that? Surely, some V.C. would give me money for that. Better than just making wine into biofuel like the E.U. is doing.

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