
Dx3 - A rock star Rich Internet Application conference

The Dx3 conference is starting to shape up and it looks like it's going to be one of the best conferences for anyone who is tracking the world of Rich Internet Applications. Topics about the designer developer workflow, experience as well as technologies like Flex, Apollo, WPF and "WPF/E" all have a place at Dx3.
Written by Ryan Stewart, Contributor

I just got an email about the Dx3 conference, something I've been following for a while. It now looks like it's starting to take shape, so I wanted to make sure everyone knows about it. Dx3 stands for Design, Develop, and Deploy and it looks like it's going to be one of the encompassing RIA conference this year. It is being held in Boston at the Marriott Copley Place, May 15th through 18th. I think it also might be the conference I'm most looking forward to.

Dx3 is being put on by lynda.com and it is going to cover the designer developer workflow as well as most of the major Rich Internet Application technologies. We're going to see Flash, WPF, WPF/E, Flex and Apollo so there will be no shortage of RIA goodness. The speakers look to be absolutely top notch and some of my favorite industry folks are going to be there. Some of the highlights:

I'm absolutely stoked about this conference, and I can't wait to see what other sessions they add. If you want to be a part of what looks to be a phenomenal conference, registration is open. I'm not sure if they've finalized the speakers list yet, but I've been brainstorming topics I can cover because I think it would be a blast to speak at this thing. I think it's a great sign for the momentum of experience, design and Rich Internet Applications. Hopefully this is the first of many Dx3s
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