
Turn the Apple logo on the back of your iPhone into a button

It's a virtual button, but still a super useful one.
Written by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Senior Contributing Editor

Here's a tip for all you iPhone users out there who run iOS 14 (which, according to the data, seems to be most of you). You can add a new button to your iPhone.

No, it's not a real button (you don't have to make any holes in your iPhone), but instead a virtual one.

And it's super useful.

Must read: Problems installing iOS 14.5.1? What you need to know

The feature is called Back Tap, and it is one of the amazing accessibility features that Apple has built into iOS.

Go to Settings > Accessibility > Touch, and then scroll to the bottom and tap Back Tap. You can now create back taps for both double and triple taps.

There are a whole bunch of actions you can choose from:

  • App Switcher
  • Control Center
  • Home
  • Lock Screen
  • Mute
  • Notification Center
  • Reachability
  • Screenshot
  • Shake
  • Siri
  • Spotlight
  • Volume Down
  • Volume Up
  • AssistiveTouch
  • Classic Invert
  • Magnifier
  • Smart Invert
  • Speak Screen
  • VoiceOver
  • Zoom
  • Scroll Down
  • Scroll Up

I have it set so I have Reachability on the double-tap (I have the Pro Max iPhone, but small hands), and Control Center on the triple-tap. If I'm doing a lot of screenshotting, I put this on the double-tap, and it saves me a lot of time.

If you find this feature useful, another accessibility feature I recommend you check out is AssistiveTouch. I've been using this for some time now, and it's become a core part of my daily workflow.

You'll thank me later!

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