
Amazon launches Echo Look in U.S., could popularize computer vision via Alexa

Echo Look's first mission is to give you wardrobe tips and get you to buy clothes. The second mission, popularizing computer vision and enabling Alexa to see, will have a far bigger impact.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

Amazon said that its Echo Look, an Alexa-powered device that will give you fashion advice, is generally available in the U.S. The launch could popularize computer vision use cases.

Echo Look utilizes computer vision and Alexa to provide style tips and fashion advice. Not surprisingly, Amazon is looking to sell you clothes and sell you fashion collections. CNET outlines the fashion, wardrobe and smart home implications.

But from an artificial intelligence and machine learning front, Echo Look takes computer vision to a new level via Alexa and is the first effort to give the personal assistant eyes. That move provides developers a wide range of new use cases for consumer and business apps. Ultimately, these use cases and techniques will be wrapped into Amazon Web Services for broader enterprise use. Machine learning: Making it work in the real world

Echo Look is available for $199.99.

As a style assistant, Alexa can help you pick between two outfits, organize closets and check your wardrobe. Echo Look had been circulated among select Amazon customers for feedback.

Echo Look also has an app that can help you organize clothes to donate and create collections for business trips, vacations and other events. Echo Look's app will also keep you from wearing one outfit too much.

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