John Rennie

John Rennie is the former editor-in-chief of Scientific American. He has written for IEEE Spectrum, New York Times and The Economist and has appeared on the History Channel, Discovery Channel, NPR and Minnesota Public Radio. He has spoken at the World Business Forum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Wharton School of Business, University of Tennessee and Middlebury College and is an adjunct instructor at New York University, editor at large for and contributing editor to He is based in New York. Follow him on Twitter.

John Rennie works as a freelance reporter, writer, editor, and lecturer for a variety of publications and organizations, including the websites and, both of which are sponsored by GE. He is also an adjunct instructor in journalism for New York University. (Lists of his affiliations and clients can be found here.) In the unusual event that his writing mentions a company or organization for which he currently provides or previously provided any editorial or marketing services, he will disclose that fact. He will also do the same should he cover any companies in which he holds stocks or other investments. He writes for SmartPlanet, but is not an employee of CBS.