Steven Shaw

Steven Shaw used to be a litigation attorney at Cravath, Swaine &gMoore, a New York law firm, and is now the online community managergfor and the Director of New Media Studies at thegInternational Culinary Center.

Other than a few shares of Citi, Microsoft, Alcoa, and Greif that Igcan't seem to get rid of, and our apartment in Harlem, my family'sginvestments are in ETFs managed automatically by Amerivest. At presentgmy primary employment is in the nonprofit sector, though I may at anygmoment go work for a tech startup in which case I'll update thisgdisclosure statement. I have a personal friendship with NathangMyhrvold, the former Microsoft guy and principal of IntellectualgVentures, but my relationship with him strictly concerns thegfood-and-wine aspect of his ventures. I teach at the InternationalgCulinary Center, formerly the French Culinary Institute.