
A quick note on Columbus Day

It's Columbus Day here in the States, so quite a few of us are off. I'm going to consider it a holiday and take the day off from blogging.
Written by Christopher Dawson, Contributor

It's Columbus Day here in the States, so quite a few of us are off. I'm going to consider it a holiday and take the day off from blogging. I do have an interview with Joe Hartley, Sun's VP of Global Education and Healthcare, today, so check back Tuesday for his thoughts on Sun's role in advancing virtualization, thin clients, etc., in educational markets.

In terms of Columbus, though, talk amongst yourselves today. Should Columbus Day really be something we celebrate? Most modern accounts don't paint him as a particularly nice guy. At best, he was a distant second reaching the Americas; at worst, depending on the historical accounts you read, he was a brutal killer of indigenous peoples.

What do you think? Is this a traditional holiday worthy of plays, presentations, and reports or should we set this one aside? I'm sure I could think of another reason to take a day off in October if I had to. New-England-is-really-pretty-this-time-of-year-Day? National Composting Day? National Tuberculosis Eradication Day?

Talk to you tomorrow...

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