
Another bad day for DirectRevenue - lawsuit by NY State AG

Another lawsuit against DirectRevenue, announced today by the New York State Attorney General’s office.
Written by Suzi Turner, Contributor

Another lawsuit against DirectRevenue, announced today by the New York State Attorney General's office. From the press release:

The suit against the Direct Revenue company seeks a court order enjoining the firm from secretly installing spyware or sending ads through already-installed spyware. The suit also asks the court to compel the company to provide an accounting of its revenues and asks the court to impose appropriate monetary penalties.

"Surreptitiously installed spyware and adware harm consumers and businesses, and my office will continue to prosecute these practices aggressively," said Spitzer, whose office last year spurred industry-wide attention to this problem with his suit and settlement against adware distributor Intermix Media. "These applications are deceptive and unfair to consumers, bad for businesses that rely on efficient networks to do their jobs, and bad for online retailers that need consumers to trust and enjoy their online experience. We will continue to side with consumers in their fight for control of their desktops."

The court documents are available at the bottom of the page here.

How many lawsuits now against DirectRevenue?  I've lost count... My website continues to get a lot of search engine hits for Aurora and nail.exe, the terror that DirectRevenue unleashed around last year this time.

DirectRevenue has posted a rebuttal at their website, here.  I have not had time to read the court documents yet.  I'll probably have some comments on the specifics of the lawsuit later.

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