
Apple downplaying the Mac mini

In all the hoopla over yesterday's announcements, one piece of hardware got short shrift–the Mac mini. Sure, it got a little speed bump, but that was only to keep up with the Jones'.
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor

In all the hoopla over yesterday's announcements, one piece of hardware got short shrift–the Mac mini. Sure, it got a little speed bump, but that was only to keep up with the Jones'.

There was no press release. No keynote slide. In fact, someone in the audience had to pull it out of the execs that the mini was even updated. The mini? Oh yeah, that got updated too...

Apple appears to be downplaying the mini because they want Apple TV to be the king of the living room. Remember the "Digital Hub?" Wasn't that what the Mac mini was supposed to be?

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