
Apple pushes out second firmware "fix" for 27-inch iMac flicker problem

During the closing days of 2009, Apple released a firmware patch that was supposed to fix display issues with its 27-inch iMac systems. According to users, that patch didn't work. Apple has now taken a second stab at the problem, releasing a new firmware update.
Written by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Senior Contributing Editor

During the closing days of 2009, Apple released a firmware patch that was supposed to fix display issues with its 27-inch iMac systems. According to users, that patch didn't work. Apple has now taken a second stab at the problem, releasing a new firmware update.

Here's the official word from Apple:

The 27-inch iMac Display Firmware Update 1.0 updates the display firmware on 27-inch iMac computers to address issues that may cause intermittent display flickering.

According to users affected, the problems with the 27-inch iMacs range from screen flickering and changes to brightness. These aren't the only issues affecting the 27-inch iMac, but Apple's not being so proactive in fixing those, seemingly going as far as to try to bury the problem.

I'd like to hear from 27-inch iMac owners to see if this fixes the issue or not.

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