
Borland tightens Java connections

The company links the application design and modeling tools gained in its TogetherSoft acquisition with its flagship Java programming tool, JBuilder.
Written by Martin LaMonica, Contributor
Borland Software will couple its Java programming application with its modeling tools Monday, marking the first step toward integrating products from the company's acquisition of TogetherSoft.

The bundle will include Borland's JBuilder Java development tool and a program for modeling applications from TogetherSoft tuned specifically for JBuilder. For more complex application development projects, programmers typically use a design tool to sketch out the structure of the application before they begin writing code. By combining the two applications, developers can write code and build models from a single application, said Borland executives.

Although they've been around for decades, modeling tools are rising in importance as programming software companies seek to build a portfolio of complementary application development products for larger corporations. Borland last year purchased TogetherSoft, BoldSoft and StarBase as part of its strategy to offer a complete suite of programming tools. IBM acquired Rational Software last December, another modeling tools provider, for $2.1 billion.

By integrating TogetherSoft tools with its flagship Java product, JBuilder, Borland intends to tackle a long-standing problem with the development process: the disconnect between application development and modeling. Previous products did not synchronize changes from application models to the accompanying code, said Tod Olson, chief scientist for the TogetherSoft business unit. The combined products now reflect changes automatically, so that modifications in the design will be reflected in the code and vice versa, he said.

Borland will extend this Java integration to its Optimizeit performance testing tool and CaliberRM, software for defining application requirements, executives said. These two applications will be more tightly tied to JBuilder over the course of the year, they said.

"Businesses often take their application requirements and then design what an application might look like. And then they drop it over the wall to the technical side. That's been a huge chasm companies have been trying to solve," said George Paolini, general manager of Borland's Java business unit.

A consolidated suite that will let businesses spell out application requirements, design, develop, test and deploy applications will help address that issue, Paolini said.

Borland will also release its Optimizeit suite for .Net this week. Last week, Borland announced its first programming application for Microsoft's .Net software based on the C# language and indicated it would develop several products specifically for .Net.

The JBuilder-TogetherSoft bundle, which will include Borland's Java application server, will ship in March for $6,999.

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