
Bricks to Clicks: Organizational Impediments

"34% of traditional businesses have identified "lack of management knowledge and commitment", "lack of strategy and vision", and "organizational complexity" as the key impediments facing their organizations..."- Bricks to ClicksHuh?
Written by Sq , Contributor
"34% of traditional businesses have identified "lack of management knowledge and commitment", "lack of strategy and vision", and "organizational complexity" as the key impediments facing their organizations..."

- Bricks to Clicks

Basically, says Prakash, there's a poor understanding of what the terms e-commerce and e-business mean. And that's true even within the same company, in the same department. They can't agree on what the terms mean.

A good percentage of the survey participants used the terms interchangeably, increasing the confusion.

Responses also indicated that companies wanted to do e-business, but not transform into e-businesses, implying that e-business (and e-commerce) is still seen as another tool, or approach to be applied inside the existing corporation without business transformation.

The bottom-line: Enterprises lack education of what e-business actually is, much less how to be one.

Hitting a brick wall
The top-ranking impediment to B2B online drew a tie between management education and commitment, and becoming customer focused.

The next on the list was security issues in general.

Taking the approach to B2B e-commerce

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