
Cast your vote: geeks or politicians?

Every election cycle there is a predictable moment when someone says that a non-politician would be better for the country than any politician. Sometimes that gets you Ross Perot, who left something to be desired in the Reasonable Leadership category.
Written by Mitch Ratcliffe, Contributor

Every election cycle there is a predictable moment when someone says that a non-politician would be better for the country than any politician. Sometimes that gets you Ross Perot, who left something to be desired in the Reasonable Leadership category.

In Washington state, where I live, there's a former Microsoft product manager running for Congress in the 8th district and a former RealNetworks executive, Maria Cantwell, is one of our two U.S. Senators. CNET has a rundown of the tech credentials for candidates across the country.

So, let's talk about whether we'd really want some of the leaders of the technology industry in Congress or the White House. Here's my poll to honor the fact that you are going out to vote tomorrow (you are going to vote, aren't you?) 

[poll id=7] 

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