
Feed me: bite-sized data for a hungry Internet

Panel: Ari Steinberg (Engineering Mgr, Facebook Inc), Eric Eldon (Editor, VentureBeat), Dare Obasanjo (Program Mgr, Microsoft), David Sacks (CEO, Yammer), Paul Buchheit (Founder, FriendFeed)People tend to model the behavior of their friends and so something similar. Facebook's news feed helps achieve this.
Written by Andrew Mager, Inactive

Panel: Ari Steinberg (Engineering Mgr, Facebook Inc), Eric Eldon (Editor, VentureBeat), Dare Obasanjo (Program Mgr, Microsoft), David Sacks (CEO, Yammer), Paul Buchheit (Founder, FriendFeed)

Bite sized media

People tend to model the behavior of their friends and so something similar. Facebook's news feed helps achieve this. It's really easy and intuitive to interact with it. Although, they do change the layout of it all the time

Facebook sitting next to Friendfeed

At the top of your stream, you have a "publisher" like Twitter. You can actually attach a photo or video, which Twitter has yet to do.

Yammer CEO David Stacks says that "all that anyone wants to do these days is post status updates".

This panel was pretty good, but it's stuff that everybody knows already. Our collective attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. It's no longer one minute media, it's 1 second media.

What is your take on this?

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