
Firefox 3.5 RC1 delayed a bit again

Turns out that Firefox 3.5 RC1 will be delayed again to iron out the remaining bugs.
Written by Paula Rooney, Contributor

Turns out that Firefox 3.5 RC1 will be delayed again to iron out the remaining bugs. 

During the team's weekly meeting, one development leader said there are 10 final blockers but no big new ones cropping up so it should be a relatively short delay. 

The last beta, beta 4, was delivered in late April. 

The code won't be delivered to the build and Q&A team until it is bug free or at least blocker free so no estimate was provided for RC1's final release. The same leaders predicted that RC1 would be released to build by the end of last week but that didn't happen. 

But it seems likely that RC1 will be delivered sometime in the first two weeks of June and that Firefoxc 3.5 will be publicly available later this month. 

The Firefox team and its leaders should be commended for not signing off on a release candidate known to have bugs.

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