
Fussing Over FireFox

Secunia has discovered critical vulnerabilities in FireFox! This is the end for FireFox!
Written by Richard Stiennon, Contributor

Secunia has discovered critical vulnerabilities in FireFox! This is the end for FireFox! It is no better than Internet Explorer.

These types of statements seem to be flooding the press. Microsoft apologists love it when competing products exhibit the same feet of clay that Microsoft has. Every time a Mac flaw is announced there are a flurry of articles with the same message: Every system has security flaws so they are no better than Microsoft.

Just one thing. A Microsoft security flaw, and the eventual exploit that follows, has profound impacts on the world because Microsoft is everywhere.

I am not worried about flaws in FireFox. Sure they will be exploited eventually but they will not give rise to new waves of cybercrime the way the byte-verify vulnerability in IE led to the age of drive-by downloads in spyware.

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