
Get your next knee online

I just like the idea of ordering knees online.
Written by Dana Blankenhorn, Inactive

Conformis knee implant, on the left, with a standard implant on the rightConfirMISConforMIS says it can turn your MRI and CT scans into a custom-designed knee implant.

It's a good example of the advantages which accrue as medical scans become computerized.

Confirmis ConforMIS specializes in knee parts, most of which replace the surfacing between the joints.  

The aging of the baby boom generation is creating an explosive demand for knee surgeries. The company estimates volumes will jump over 500% in the next 20 years, and the market will be worth $62.5 billion by 2012.

Says a press release:

Because the implants are designed to match the exact topography of the patient's knee, there is little to no bone cutting, no anchoring, significantly smaller incisions, less blood loss and shorter OR time, making it a great alternative for younger patients.

Maybe. I just like the idea of ordering knees online.

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